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  • Ned palmer

Bring on the Spring

The fun thing about corporate events is that you get to see inside some amazing premises, so when a Mayfair law firm called me up in March to ask about a cheese tasting at their offices, I knew I was in for a treat.  

The client wanted a cheese and wine tasting for seventy colleagues so I suggested the cheese station, a bountiful buffet of delicious cheeses, expertly curated by me and my ‘staff’ - for which read world-class monger, cheese consultant and author of The Cheese Wheel, Emma Young AKA The Cheese Explorer.

I was thinking about the Spring and all the young goats’ cheeses that were appearing, but there was still a chill in the air so I went for a bit of a mix. We served a bright fresh Sinodun Hill, a fudgey little St Jude, a spritzy Durrus - startlingly mild for a washed rind, and some more rich and hearty cheeses - sweet and savoury Lincolnshire Poacher, warming Red Leicester, and the opulently creamy bewilderingly complex Stichelton. 

The venue really was amazing, at a the top of a building looking out over Hyde Park with the skyline of London as a backdrop - I really love my job. And don’t the cheeses look lovely all laid out on the table?

For the wines we had one of my favourite reds for cheese, the complex yet quaffable Dominique Piron Beaujolais, Von Reben, a German Pinot Noir - fruity yet with a steely germanic undertone, the marvellously named William the Silent - a white from the Vaucluse with peach and citrus notes, and Colle Marianna Soave, whose minerality and hint of sage went beautifully with that lovey Sinodun. 

Emma and I had a great time - and so did the client. Here’s what they said: 

‘Everything was perfect – there was a nice familiarity but with high professional standards so we all felt comfortable to have a chat and a bit of a laugh too whilst learning new things. The cheese was great and all the accompaniments very tasty.’

Job done. And as for that view, here it is. The monger scrubs up pretty well too don’t you think?


To book your cheese station email me on Ned@CheeseTastingCo.Uk

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